Wednesday 10 November 2010

Technology is Godzilla

Hello my friends

Actually, the technology is not my favourite way to learn any subject. In fact, I don’t use very much my own computer to do written projects. I try to separate my studies of the technology (computer), because I don’t feel that the technology help my learning process. In the second term of this year, three subjects are related with the use of the computer: a subject called "Lo público ¿Monopolio del Estado?", another subject called "Técnicas Cualitativas I" and this subject, called "English IV". This post will be a reflection about my relationship with the technology in the last term.

In the subject called “Lo público ¿Monopolio del Estado?” every week I’ve had to write about different topics in a “Blog” and too I ‘ve had to do some tests in Internet. Besides, in the subject called "Técnicas Cualitativas" I’ve had to write every project in my computer, because is a requirement that the reports are written in a formal way. In “English IV” I’ve had to write in a blog every week to improve my English and I’ve had to practice with some tools of the Internet. I have not enjoyed my experience with technology related with my studies in this term. I have not enjoyed my experience with the technology related to my studies in this term, because I think the informatic tools have prevented the free flow of my thoughts.
A great disadvantage of the technology is its huge potential to distract to the persons of the development of projects and homeworks, for that reason; if you want to work with a computer you must have a huge discipline.
However, the technology can help to develop a great quantity of works and today is a obligation of the students know and operate the technology and its resources, because is an important aspect of the education in the present world. If we know and if we use the technology and its tools and instruments, we can improve our life and our relation with the nature and people.

Finally, I can say that the technology is a useful aspect of our present life, but we need to know its advantages and disadvantages, because we can not allow that technology dominates our society and the social relations. “Technology is Godzilla”, I mean, technology improves its power over we in an unpredictable way, but we need to control its development and negative aspects.

Bye friends, I hope you are good

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Am I a green person?

My interesting about the natural environment is very poor. Maybe, my attitude is bad, but I would be a liar if I say you that I’m a person worried about the natural environment. I recognize the importance of the natural environment and I understand clearly that we must protect our world, because our lives are determined for the natural environment. Anyway, we must protect the natural environment, because it is a “legacy” for the future generations.
The good practices about the protection of the natural environment can be learned in any place, because the information is in everywhere (Internet, Mass media, television, etc). However, I haven’t learnt practices about the protection of the natural environment, because I am a lazy person in relation to something that doesn’t affect my life in a direct way. In my opinion is very important that the families can develop practices to protect our natural environment. Anyway, unconsciously I do somethings in my life that helps to the natural environment, for example I always try to go everywhere walking.
In general, I don’t believe in the social organizations, because I think that these organizations repress my individual subjectivity. For that reason I don’t participate in organizations to protect the natural environment. Anyway, I think that some organizations do positive things to keep our environment in a good state.
I could develop my own practices to protect the natural environment, but only if my head thinks that is really important to me the protection of the natural environment. I know that is very important the protection of the environment, but when I could associate some feeling to my rational thoughts I will do something about it.
In other hand, I haven’t done anything to reduce the carbon footprint and I think that is not a problem to our society, because I haven’t known news about that. I mean, this is an objective problem, because the carbon footprint can prejudice the natural environment, but it is not a subjective problem, because nobody is interested in that topic.
In conclusion, we must protect our natural environment, however we must feel that is an important thing for our lives.
Good bye
The literature is an important art, because we need to read books to understand better our world.
Actually, I read enough, but the books that I read are related with my career. I don’t have time to read another kind of literature. I always waste my time reading about sociology.
My reading habit was born when I was in High school with a book called “Cien años de soledad”. I mean, when I was a child I didn’t read many books; however I never hated read a book for the school or something like that. In other words, my reading habit was hidden.
I don`t know exactly the number of books that I read per year, but relatively I guess that I have read twenty books per year since that I am an university student, I love the Latino-American literature and I prefer fiction, because the fiction books can explain our world or aspects of our world with creativity and style.
My favorite writers are Julio Cortazar, Jorge Luis Borges, Juan Rulfo, Mario Vargas Llosa, Juan Emar, etc. My favorite book is “Ayer”. This book was written by Juan Emar and tells a strange story about two persons that live in a world surrounded of fantastic facts.
A great character from literature is Pedro Paramo, because his existence in the Juan Rulfo’ book called Pedro Paramo is very ghostly.
The last book that I read was “El amor en los tiempos del colera” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and this book tells a love story very sad.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Article summary "“Parents adopting open attitude to alcohol, drugs and sex”

Hello. Today, I will write a summary about an article related to my career (Sociology).
The title of this article is “Parents adopting open attitude to alcohol, drugs and sex” and its author is Amelia Hill. The link of this article is the next: The article is from the periodic “The Guardian”.
This article says that the British parents are increasingly relaxing about their children “drinking alcohol from as young as 10 years old, taking drugs and having sex, according to research released today”. However, there aren’t references clearer to the research, which is a negative aspect of this article, because is very important that the readers can know the primary source of the information.
The information of this article gives us only percentages about the attitudes of the British fathers regarding to the consume of their children of drugs and alcohol. This article too gives us only percentages about the attitudes of the British fathers regarding to the fact of their children had sex. The attitudes studied of the British fathers regarding to have sex and consume drugs or alcohol are related to the age of their children (the age when the children do that actions). However, the percentages don’t say that the great majority of British fathers are adopting open attitude to alcohol, drugs and sex, because the percentages never pass the 50%. This is another negative aspect of this article, because it says things very exaggerated without the right information. Anyway, when Amelia Hill says that the attitudes of the British fathers regarding to the homosexuality are increasingly relaxed, she states something aright, because two-thirds (a great proportion) of the British parents say that they would have no problem if their children was gay.
In conclusion, this article is a little sensationalist, because it uses the information of the wrong manner sometimes.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Cinema experience

Hello my friends, I will write about films in this opportunity
The cinema is a great place, but if you want to go to the cinema to see a film you must to waste many money. Some people say that the ticket’s price is appropriate with regards to the good (to see a film), but the experience related to the cinema depends of the economical situation of the people. Then, some people don’t have the opportunity to see some film.
I like very much to see a good film, but I never go to the cinema. Normally, the reason of that fact is related to my loneliness. I have felt so strange when I have seen a film lonely. However, this year I visited the cinema three times, which is a huge quantity for my normal average of films. I have gone to the cinema two times with my girlfriend and one time with my mother. The last time when I went to the cinema it was the in August of this year. It was a great experience, because we (my mother and I) went to the cinema in the morning and nobody were in it. We saw “the Inception”.
I never rented films, but I have pirate movies. I know that the pirate movies are illegal, but I don’t care, because is stupid that I feel guilty about an industry that earns millions and millions only with the cinemas.
On the other hand, my favorite film is Taxi Driver, because I think that this film is a great description of the deep America. Taxi Driver is about a guy that drives a taxi. Well, is a poor description of the film, but I really think that you must to see it to understand the complexity behind the history of this film. However, I have seen this film only twice, because I think that the films can lose their magic when somebody repeats the experience many times. “Taxi Driver” doesn’t have weak points, because it is a piece of art, anyway that is my personal view. Obviously, I would recommend this film only if you want to think, because is a complex film.
Bye my friends, I see you soon.

Sunday 26 September 2010


Hello friends
Santiago is an unknown place for me, but I will try to write something about this city. Actually, I don't like Santiago, because is a place without a true soul. Well, I guess that the last comment was exaggerated. However, I believe that if Santiago is my place of origin, is very obviously that I have to make an effort to talk about its qualities.
In Santiago you can go to many places, in fact you can choose some place in relation to your interests. I mean, If you want to dance you can go to Discoteque, for example. There are museums, beautiful parks, historic sites, etc.
Five places where you can go related to five things that you can do:
1) San Cristobal Hill. In this place a tourist can enjoy the landscape and make exercise going up the hill. When you go up the San Cristobal Hill you can find the metropolitan zoo and have a good time with many animals for low price. I choose this place because each place should to be known through its natural areas.
2) Bellas artes museum. In this place all the tourists can learn about culture and improve their knowledge related to art as a social construction of a nation. This museum is very important and its history is a mirror of the chilean society. I choose this place because I think that is very important recognize the culture of a city through its historical institutions.
3) Central Market. The chilean food is offered at the Central Market, which is very important to understand the chilean culture. I choose this place because the food represent the structure of our society and nation.
4) Barrio Bellavista. This place is special to have a good night. The tourists can eat, drink (many drinks) and dancing to nightclubs music. If you are stressed this place is for you. I choose this place because the fun is an important part with regards to as a city is presented to the people.
5) Cafe con piernas. This place exists only in Chile, which is very important to understand to Santiago as a city with strange particularities. I choose this place because the way to live the sex is an aspect very important for the culture.
Bye my friends, the next week I will come back

Thursday 9 September 2010

"it's only rock'n'roll but I like it"

Nietzsche said that "without music, life would be an error". I am agree with that phrase, because my life is a group of songs. I always connecting the experiences of my life with my favourite music. The music is the perfect scene for every moment that I lived in past.
I feel very good with a great variety of music. I like different music styles: punk music, rock music, indie music, etc. But, I don't enjoy too much some music styles, like reggaeton, romantic music, teen-pop music, etc., because I feel that this kind of music is just a business without honesty.
Some bands are very good, for example, Primus, The Flaming Lips or Radiohead, because those bands create music mixing different elements, with excellent results. Moreover, last year I went to the concert of Faith No More and I really liked the quality of their music.
I don't listen to radio, because the chilean's radios have their focus in certain people which don't represent to the all chilean population. However, some radio stations play music more varied, as the following radio stations: Horizonte, Sonar, Futuro, etc. This implies that I have my own music collection, which is composed of many mp3 and compact discs. But, from some years ago I don't buy compact discs, because those are really expensive, so I prefer download music and destroy the business behind of its mask.
A great song called The Bends by Mister Bungle is related with my identity, because it is a suite of nine minutes with many parts, rythms and melodies that are in connection with my feelings.
Unfortunately, I don't play any instrument and I don't know read music, but I want to learn as to do it. In addition, I don't sing very well, but I always do it when I listen to music in the street and when I enjoy so much some songs.
Embarrased I recognize that when I was a child I sang the Puma Rodriguez's songs and I think that some of those songs were the first ones in my mind.
Without music the life would be an error (Nietzsche), because this is an art very emotional that we can associate with our life and feelings more pure. The music is the background of our subjectivity but with concrete shape.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

England: a magnetic country

Hello everybody, I will write about England
I would like to visit many countries, but if I had to choose only one I think that a nice place would be England. I don't know many things about England, but my mind has built a representation of England as a country with a strange attraction for all people, I mean, I would travel to England because my instinct suggests that this place is amazing, but strictly speaking I don't have real reasons to support my choice.
Regarding my knowledge of England I know that is a beautiful place, but with a very cold weather, however I prefer the cold places. Some people say that England is a very expensive place, but really I am not sure about that at all. Anyway England is a country with a very important past for mundial history (birthplace of industrial capitalism) and modern music (great musicians and bands were from England, for example The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Sex Pistols, The Clash, etc.).
In England I would walk quietly along the street, avenues and parks only thinking in good experiences of my life. In addition I would visit the places with a historical value. I would like to see and talk with the people and know their attitudes and ways of being.
Finally, I would like to study in England in some important University (Oxford, for example), because my labor experience would improve their quality (like a practical resource). However my intention would be visit England for satisfy my internal drive.
Thank you, I see you next time

Tuesday 24 August 2010

A strange first term

Hello my friends, today I'm going to write about my experience in the first term of this year. My definition for this term is that it was very strange, because I went through different situations. But, these situations were associated with different moments of the term.
The first third of the last term was very relaxed, because the subjects that I studied the first term didn't have tests or works for the beginning of this term. I slept so much and I enjoyed the "simple things in life" in the first term of the last term, for example I walked with my dog every day and I breathe deeply while I thought in nothing. That first third of the term it was so nice.
When the relationship broke begun the second part of the term, because the subjects were more difficult and I had to study more, for example, Economy it was terrible, because I didn't understand anything. Anyway, in the subject called Sociological Theory I had good marks and that made me happy.
Regarding to my friends, I didn't see them the last term, because they study another careers or they work and study.
The final part of the first term it was the worst, because I spent many time in my subjects, because some of them made me suffer. But, I guess (I feel like a fool telling this thing) that a important thing that happened in the final part of the last term was that I met a girl, which is my current girlfriend.
That was my life in the first term, bye, I see you later.