Tuesday 19 October 2010

Am I a green person?

My interesting about the natural environment is very poor. Maybe, my attitude is bad, but I would be a liar if I say you that I’m a person worried about the natural environment. I recognize the importance of the natural environment and I understand clearly that we must protect our world, because our lives are determined for the natural environment. Anyway, we must protect the natural environment, because it is a “legacy” for the future generations.
The good practices about the protection of the natural environment can be learned in any place, because the information is in everywhere (Internet, Mass media, television, etc). However, I haven’t learnt practices about the protection of the natural environment, because I am a lazy person in relation to something that doesn’t affect my life in a direct way. In my opinion is very important that the families can develop practices to protect our natural environment. Anyway, unconsciously I do somethings in my life that helps to the natural environment, for example I always try to go everywhere walking.
In general, I don’t believe in the social organizations, because I think that these organizations repress my individual subjectivity. For that reason I don’t participate in organizations to protect the natural environment. Anyway, I think that some organizations do positive things to keep our environment in a good state.
I could develop my own practices to protect the natural environment, but only if my head thinks that is really important to me the protection of the natural environment. I know that is very important the protection of the environment, but when I could associate some feeling to my rational thoughts I will do something about it.
In other hand, I haven’t done anything to reduce the carbon footprint and I think that is not a problem to our society, because I haven’t known news about that. I mean, this is an objective problem, because the carbon footprint can prejudice the natural environment, but it is not a subjective problem, because nobody is interested in that topic.
In conclusion, we must protect our natural environment, however we must feel that is an important thing for our lives.
Good bye

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